Standby Travel for Seniors Blog Post | Trudy's Treks

Top 8 Tips For Seniors Flying Standby

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4-minute read

Flying Stand-by can be a cost-effective option for Seniors, as it allows us to potentially secure a seat on a flight at a reduced price if there are available seats closer to the time of departure. Sweet!  Here are 8 Tips for Seniors flying stand-by:

1. Flexibility: Be prepared to be flexible with your travel plans. Stand-by passengers are accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis, so there’s no guarantee of getting on a specific flight. You may experience delays or have to wait for multiple flights before securing a seat. Bring a book, or Kindle or have the Audible app on your device, and be prepared for the possibility of spending extra time at the airport.

 2. Arrive Early: Get to the airport well in advance of your desired flight. Stand-by passengers are usually accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis, so arriving early gives you a better chance of securing a seat.

 3. Choose Off-Peak Times: You have a better chance of getting a stand-by seat during off-peak times when flights are less crowded. This could mean leaving your house at 3 a.m. to catch that early. 5:30 flight. There’s a saying, ‘Catch it while it’s smoking.’ Think: your car smoking early in the morning when you first start it. Late-night flights are often less crowded, but if you don’t get a seat you could be faced with an expensive nearby hotel room or an Uber fee for travel to a less expensive one. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturday afternoons are best. Always have a backup plan. Oh, and forget the holidays.

 4. Join Loyalty Programs: Airlines often prioritize stand-by passengers who are members of their loyalty programs. You may need to qualify for stand-by by being a member. Joining their frequent flyer program might give you an edge since Airlines love loyalists. Also, keep in mind to dress appropriately. Airline staff may give priority to passengers who are dressed neatly and professionally. 

 5. Know the Rules: Familiarize yourself with the airline’s stand-by policy. Go on their website and check it out. Understand the criteria for being eligible for stand-by travel and possible associated fees. Be aware that even though your App has you in position 8 with only 4 seats left, don’t give up and leave. You could be halfway down the terminal and miraculously have a boarding pass pop up on your phone. A Senior running slow, but thinking they’re running fast, is not pretty. Wait until they close the gate door. At the very last minute, literally, things change, and you could get a seat assignment.

 6. Consider Alternate Routes: If your desired flight is full, ask about alternative routes or connecting flights that may have more availability. Sometimes flying through a different city can increase your chances of getting a stand-by seat. Having the Airline’s App on your phone will be super helpful, and seat availability is updated in real-time.

 7. Be Polite and Patient: Being courteous to airline staff can go a long way in improving your chances of getting a stand-by seat. Speak in a pleasant voice, have eye contact, and give them a personal compliment. Their eye-glasses, earrings they're wearing, you get the drift. People like to be complimented. Just don't get weird and inappropriate. Also, don’t hang out at the Gate Station and watch the Agents’ every move. You’re just being annoying.

 8. Pack Light: Since your travel plans might change unexpectedly, pack light and only bring essential items with you. Make sure medicine, travel documents, and your parking pass are in your carry-on and easily accessible. Stand-by passengers are the last to board. This means overhead compartments may be full. If you have a carry-on suitcase, the Airline will tag it and send it below. This defeats the purpose of traveling light since you will now have to wait at baggage claim. Consider a duffle bag on wheels, like these. They can be stuffed under the seat in front of you, and when you’re in the terminal, you don’t have to lug them around with great effort. It’s surprising how heavy they can become. Pull up the handle, and it operates just like a traditional carry-on suitcase with wheels. 

Overall, flying stand-by can be a viable option for Seniors looking to save money on airfare. By following these tips and approaching stand-by travel with a positive attitude, you can increase your chances of successfully navigating the process and enjoy more cost-saving travels.

Until next time, Happy Travels.


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