10 Tips For Seniors When Reading at the Airport

10 Tips For Seniors When Reading at the Airport

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3-minute read

Stay curious. Keep your brain engaged. Become a more interesting person. Travel helps us check all these boxes. When you're at the gate with a bit of downtime, your options are pretty limited: eat, people watch (guilty pleasure), get on your iPhone, or read. Reading is a great way to pass the time while waiting for your flight. Here are some tips to enhance your reading experience:

1. Choose the Right Book: Pick a book you find interesting and engaging, not one necessarily recommended by a friend. Think outside the box. Whether it's fiction, nonfiction, or a magazine, having a captivating read can make the time fly. Choose one ahead of your airport arrival; preferably at home when you have plenty of time to go down that rabbit hole.

2. Consider Audible or Kindle: Carrying these apps on your tablet or smartphone can save you space in your carry-on. They provide you with a treasure trove of options. Think: the Library of Congress. Almost. Just make sure to download your selection(s) when you have a good wi-fi connection, like before you leave home. You'll thank me later.

3. Bring Noise-Canceling Headphones: Airports can be noisy, and a good pair of noise-canceling headphones like these can help create a more peaceful reading or listening environment. This is especially useful if you want to focus on your book without being disturbed by announcements, background noise, or children having a bad day.

4. Find a Comfortable Spot Close to a Charging Station: Look for a comfortable spot to sit while you read, preferably close to the gate, and close to an electrical outlet. Plug in! The last thing you want to do is stress about your digital boarding pass while you approach the gate scanner. Picture: those fifty people waiting to board behind you when your phone dies. If an outlet is not available, use a pocket solar charger like this.

5. Keep an Eye on Your Belongings: While engrossed in your book, make sure to keep an eye on your belongings, especially if you're in a busy airport. Consider using a travel lock strap like this for your bags, and loop the strap around one of your arms. By no means, secure it around your legs. Picture that senior moment when you stand up!

6. Check Flight Information: Remember to keep an eye on the departure screens or announcements to ensure you don't miss any important updates about your flight. Set an alarm on your watch or device to stay informed, or use the airport's notification system as a last resort; clarity being equal to a fast-food drive-through speaker. Constantly checking for updates every minute or two may distract you from spotting those red herrings and solving the murder.

7. Stay Mindful of the Time: Similarly, losing track of time while engrossed in a good book is common, but it's essential to stay mindful of your boarding time. Set a reminder on your device to ensure you have enough time to reach your gate without feeling rushed. 

8. Take Breaks: If you have a long wait, take short breaks to stretch your legs and avoid stiffness (Think: blood clot prevention), grab a snack, stay hydrated, visit the comfort station, or explore the airport. It will help refresh your mind and make the overall reading experience more enjoyable.

9. Good Lighting: Choose a well-lit area to read, as good light is important for eye health, especially for us Seniors. Natural light is preferable, but if that's not available, find a spot with bright, evenly distributed artificial lighting.

10. Trudy's Senior Book Club Picks: Here are a few Books on Audible you might find interesting or quirky. 

Until next time, Hapy Travels,


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